5 Tips: how to choose your post-operative garment

Are you planning to have plastic surgery? Did you know that wearing compression is a key part of post-operative care? Choosing the right compression garment can help to achieve the final results and speeding up the healing process.

Here are 5 tips on how to choose the right garment.

A compression garment should be made of certified materials 

Compression garments are medical devices. They ensure the necessary compression throughout the recovery after plastic surgery. The affected areas tend to highly sensitive and it is recommended to use medical-grade compression garments made of certified sanitary materials. An important certificate is the OEKO-TEX, which guarantees the absence of harmful substances, such as latex for example.




You will be more pain-sensitive after the surgery 

Days after the surgery, your body is more sensitive to any unevenness of the post-operative garment. That is why ideally you would have a garment with flat seems, that will not allow any pressure to the disrupted tissue and will ensure the feeling of comfort. Be wary as some post-operative garments might cause bruising in the area of the zipper of hooks. These should be always secured and underlaid. 




Compression can help you achieve the best results possible

Many surgeons recommend wearing compression up to 6-8 weeks after surgery. Compression therapy helps the skin to cling back to the operated tissue and makes it less prone to unevenness. It might take a little while to get used to how tight compression feels but if you have the correct garment and size, it will soon feel like your second skin.




Permeability of the material is crucial 

As mentioned, you will have to wear the compression garment constantly for at least 6-8 weeks after the procedure. At this time, the permeability of the material is very important. Ideally, the garment is capable to drain all the dampness and hold a stable microclimate. 





One compression garment is not enough

Most surgeons will recommend wearing the compression garment 24 hours, 7 days a week for the entire period of your recovery. For hygienic reasons, it is convenient to have 2 or more pieces of post-operative garments. Like that you can wear one while you wash one. 


If you are still not sure what type or size of garment you need, LIPOELASTIC team is happy to assist you through [email protected] or 020 8090 5001.

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