What is Lipedema?

When a person has lipedema, their fat cells are larger than normal and do not respond to dieting or exercise. Fat cells can also become damaged due to poor circulation and surgery may be needed to remove them.

Lipedema is a chronic condition that can affect both men and women, although it is more common in women. It causes the body fat to gather in one area of the body, usually the legs, buttocks, and arms. Lipedema is often misdiagnosed as lymphedema, cellulite, or obesity.

Why did we decide to write an E-book?

Did you know that 1 in 10 women suffer from lipedema, some may not even know?

We decided to create an E-book for all the heroes that suffer from lipedema. Many women are misdiagnosed or ignored. Lipedema is not a registered condition so many doctors blame weight or lifestyle habits. But this is not the case.

Lipedema cannot be cured or changed with diet and exercise. Women suffer for years without getting any answers.

We want to help everyone who suffers from this cruel condition, especially if they have been told it was nothing more than obesity or poor lifestyle choices. We want them to know that they are not alone and there are people out there who understand what they are going through because we too have been there! I hope that this E-book will help open the eyes of those who do not necessarily understand lipedema and educate them further on the chronic condition.

The reason we created this book was to give individuals who are affected by this condition a voice to help them inform and educate other people.

Who is it for?

Lipedema is a chronic, progressive, and incurable condition. The only treatment currently available to patients is compression therapy, which has been shown to improve symptoms and quality of life. It is important to note that compression garments do not cause lipedema; they simply help manage it.

This E-Book aims to educate people about lipedema and its symptoms. It also provides helpful information about nutrition and exercise, as well as giving advice on mental health. You will have a chance to read personal stories and take part in various activities.

We hope this book will be beneficial for anyone suffering from lipedema, whether they have just been diagnosed or are looking for more information about the condition after years of living with it.

If you have any questions about this E-Book or would like more information regarding lipedema, please contact us at [email protected]

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